If You Get COVID 19: Optimize Immune System (Vitamin D, Monoclonal Antibodies, NAC, Quercetin etc.)

Professor Roger Seheult, MD gives practical strategies if you test positive for COVID-19 (or are in contact with someone who tests positive) including:

1:11 Use of a pulse oximeter at home to monitor oxygen saturation and possible COVID pneumonia

3:02 How to choose a pulse oximeter

3:34 Tips for using a pulse oximeter

5:35 Who qualifies for monoclonal antibodies (bamlanivimab, casirivimab, and imdevimab from Lily and Regeneron), how they work, and how effective are they?

11:11 The varying level of data/study strength for different strategies

12:55 Vitamins that may boost immune function: Vitamin D, NAC, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin K-2, Magnesium

18:27 The importance of adequate sleep (Melatonin discussed)

21:57 Core body temperature elevation (the data on hydrotherapy and sauna use)

35:11 Isolation strategies at home: ventilation, HEPA filtration, mask-wearing

37:32 Summary of strategies to consider if testing positive for COVID 19 .

Dr. Seheult is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine and Assistant Prof. at Loma Linda University School of Medicine Dr. Seheult is Quadruple Board Certified: Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

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