
Home Forums Vaccines

last updated by admin 3 years, 4 months ago.
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    • Protect Our Children
      There is no immediate threat from COVID-19 to children and young adults. Where our children are concerned it is necessary that we follow a precautionary principle. Vaccinating children or young adults coerces students into bearing unneeded and unknown risk and is at heart contrary to the bedrock medical principle of informed consent.  Share your solution and stand together with other parents to
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    • Vaccine Passports
      A vaccine passport is a form of verifiable proof of vaccination that would likely display the information after a bar code or QR code is scanned ― similar to how digital boarding passes work for flights, or concert tickets on your phone. The documentation would be provided by your doctor or the site where you received your vaccine.
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    • Vaccine Risks & Adverse Side Effects
      Report any side effects you experienced as a result of a vaccine. Unlike other social platforms, we don’t censor this information. Those who are experiencing side effects from the Covid-19 vaccines will have to report them to VAERS themselves. Doctors are not recognizing the side effects so are not reporting them. Because the vaccines have been touted as “safe”, the doctors following the major health council recommendations are not making the connection. Anyone who has been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines are part of the ongoing uninformed “vaccine test and trial”.
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