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Just like New York state here in the U.S., the U.K. had an extremely deadly ‘first wave” of coronavirus, and it fell disproportionately on senior care facilities, where deaths were absolutely off the charts in April and May of 2020. But were the seniors there dying of Covid or of government misconduct? One thing that is now confirmed is that doctors in British care facilities instituted a blanket “Do Not Resuscitate” orders for all patients under their care during the outbreaks. You heard that right. Without doing anything at all to assess individual patients, they just decided that if any patients stopped breathing, they’d simply let them die.

Now, all of that is under investigation. They’ve found evidence that thousands of patients admitted to the hospital were almost immediately tagged with DNR orders. And these orders were especially likely to be given to patients who were disabled in some capacity, including if they had an intellectual disability that made them unable to consent to a DNR order.

It’s not hard to figure out what was happening. British doctors and health administrators and possible government officials were making the decision to let the weak and undesirable die off rather than trying to save them. These aren’t wild theories, we know this happened. You can read about it in the major British newspapers if you want.
