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    Can the reasonable or rational man ask himself or herself why experts in their field who uphold their oath of “Do No Harm” risk their life, that of their family and the career to warn the world about what is going on?

    Watch what experts who have not subscribed to the current narrative have to say. Experts you will listen to include:

    Dr. Beda Stadler, PhD is considered the “vaccine pope” and one of the top immunologists in the world.

    Dr. John Ioannidis, MD, DSc is Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, and (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics and co-Director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS). Dr. Ioannidis is one of the most-cited scientists of all times in the scientific literature. His current research at Stanford covers a wide agenda, including meta-research, large-scale evidence, population health sciences and predictive medicine and health.

    Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH is one of the most cited MD’s in the world in the National Library of Medicine on medical treatments, including for COVID-19, and has served on committees to investigate vaccine injuries.

    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD is a renowned German microbiologist who has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, and received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. He is also the former Emeritus Head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany.

    Dr. Mike Yeadon, PhD is the former Vice President and a Chief Scientist of Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer.

    Dr. James Lyon-Weiler, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, University of Pittsburgh

    Dr. Jim Meehan, MD is a former editor of two medical journals.

    Dr. Lee Merrit, former President of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons

    Dr. John Lee, PhD is a pathologist and former clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical School and is a Consultant Histopathologist at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.

    Dr. Roger Hodkinson MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP is a medical specialist in pathology and virology and is currently Chairman of a medical biotechnology company in North Carolina that produces COVID-19 tests. He has also been used as a medical expert in court.

    Dr. Denis Raincourt, PhD, Researcher and former full Professor of Physics at Hull University in Ottawa, Canada

    Dr. Christine Northrup, MD is one of the most respected women in America on women’s health issues and a former guest on numerous television shows, including Oprah Winfrey.

    Dr. Sheri Tennpenny is an expert on vaccine safety for families.

    Dr. Dolores Cahill received her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University in 1994 and is a professor at the University College in Ireland. She was a Member of Ireland’s Advisory Science Council (2005-2014); a European Commission Seconded National Expert (2013-2014) and an EC expert for over 10 years.

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